Molly is a Dork

judg­ing a body on its attrac­tive­ness is fine (see entry for 3.6.02) here is a more suc­cinct expla­na­tion. the body can be objec­ti­fied because it is sim­ply an object. the dan­ger lies in treat­ing the per­son­al­i­ty by the same man­ner. so look­ing and admir­ing a per­son for their body is fine. using that mea­sure alone to judge them how­ev­er is fal­la­cy. the desire for the body/object is a pure­ly instinc­tu­al process. a per­son must be loved for their soul.

mol­ly is a dork.

i’ve got so much work done. i still need to do more though. i have a research paper on Mon­ty Python (total­ly sweet) but i’ve also got some oth­er stuff to do before i go root on the Irish Fencers at the NCAAs. i’ve got a part­ner project due for one of my film class­es and i need to get start­ed on my dia­logue film. too bad we don’t have a lot of time. there nev­er is enough time for what is expect­ed of us. too much is busy work and not enough tru­ly chal­lenges. most of the chal­lenge does not lie in appli­ca­tion but whether or not you can get the amount done in time. its quan­ti­ty not qual­i­ty and it blows.

LATE NIGHT UPDATE2: talk­ing till 3:30 is fun but wak­ing up at 7 isn’t.

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