
we have to start pack­ing up our rooms in the next week. it seems kind of dumb that they expect us to move every­thing out of our liv­ing space and study for finals in a lit­tle white shell. hope­ful­ly the weath­er will be nice and i can do my work out­side. i am anx­ious for the sum­mer to get here because it will be much less stress­ful. the good thing is that i have min­i­mal work for the rest of the year. i am start­ing on one of my final papers and hope­ful­ly i’ll get a good jump on it before the week is over. today is going to be a good day. it is sup­posed to thun­der­storm severe­ly which is very nice, but right now it is sun­ny and warm. i’ll enjoy either. thats my goal now, just to enjoy things instead of stew­ing in my own juices. i don’t make for a good mari­nade.

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