Episode 2

5.22.02 INT. SHOWPLACE 16 8:00pm NIGHT

i just watched episode 2. george lucas has nev­er been an actor’s direc­tor so i can excuse the instances of bad act­ing except for the extra parme­san in the love dia­logue, he should have at least had the sense to nix that. the three zooms were total­ly unac­cept­able and ful­filled no pur­pose in fur­ther­ing either the emo­tion or the plot in the film. zoom­ing is for stu­dent film­mak­ers. the exces­sive use of soft wipes became tedious as well. i got the feel­ing that lucas is try­ing to make a “george lucas film” instead of just doing it. to be expect­ed, but still dis­ap­point­ing.

good things. the jedi kick ass. the pac­ing was excep­tion­al at the end of the film. dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy has improved tremen­dous­ly. natal­ie port­man. count dooku’s pis­tol grip lightsaber. it filled in many gaps but i’m sad some jedi got the axe.

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