yeah, so learn­ing CSS is hard­er than i thought. espe­cial­ly since the edu­ca­tion­al ver­sion of Dreamweaver that we have does not have any of the CSS attrib­ut­es installed on it. Thank­ful­ly one of my fel­low web­savvy stu­dents has a CSS book that he is going let me bor­row. but all of this junk with me deal­ing with my own inabil­i­ty to make a sen­si­cal web­page is result­ing a a stum­bling pro­gres­sion toward usabil­i­ty.

i haven’t made a film in 2 months and it is start­ing to both­er me. i am ready for class­es to start again. This semes­ter i am tak­ing two anthro­pol­o­gy class­es and three film class­es. Anthro­pol­o­gy: Soci­ety and Cul­ture Through Films and Intro­duc­tion to Archae­ol­o­gy. Film: Inter­me­di­ate Film Prod­cu­tion, Film Noir, and Cin­e­ma Ide­olo­gies. This will com­plete my anthro­pol­o­gy major and leave the 2nd semes­ter open for 4 film class­es and hope­ful­ly a poet­ry writ­ing class. I am also anx­ious to have a room to myself, a space total­ly my own, where I do not have a room­mate to cause trou­ble. wun­der­bar!

there are 5 new poems in ver­bal impo­tence

fenc­ing is a hard sport for me to think about. is it a sport or an art? it is a basic act of vio­lence using the sword, the tra­di­tion­al icon for war­fare, refined into a thing of grace and beau­ty. how should i go about my fenc­ing? Should i take it as war­fare, to destroy my oppo­nent by any means, or should i strive to achieve tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion and glo­ry in the kines­thet­ic impro­vi­sa­tion of the bout? Are the two even sep­a­rat­ed? Can the act of vio­lence be a thing of beau­ty? Are the con­vo­lut­ed sym­bols and mean­ings a sign of our attempts at cre­at­ing an Art of War? I should read Sun Tzu and Miyamo­to Musashi again.