
Fun­da­men­tals of Archae­ol­o­gy: This class is going to be easy. Two tests, two quizzes and thats all. Pro­fes­sor Schurr is a char­ac­ter, but I already knew that. What I did­n’t know is that he is a Super Tolkien Nerd like myself. Bonus!

Cin­e­ma Ide­olo­gies: Taught by my FEMINIST, social­ist, jew­ish, bud­dhist film prof Jill God­milow. Learn­ing how indus­tri­al cin­e­ma makes us think it solves prob­lems of race, gen­der, and class through its films when it mere­ly rein­forces hege­mo­ny. it will be good.

Fenc­ing Gym: an epe? fencer that left due to aca­d­e­m­ic rea­sons is now back, threat­en­ing my eli­gi­bil­i­ty to trav­el. all i can do is work hard­er.

Cin­e­ma Ide­olo­gies Film Screen­ing: Tod Brown­ing’s Freaks.

As they pulled you out of the oxy­gen tent
you asked for the lat­est par­ty
With your sil­i­con hump and your ten inch stump
Dressed like a priest you was,
Todd Brown­ing streak he was
Crawl­ing down the alley on your hands and knee,
I’m sure you’re not pro­tect­ed, for its plain to see
Dia­mond Dogs are poach­ers, and they hide behind trees
Hunt you to the ground they will,
man­nequins with kill appeal

David Bowie, Dia­mond Dogs

an inter­est­ing film by all accounts, pro­duced by MGM but it was a very shod­dy film in many of its con­ven­tions and exploita­tive to the extreme. also full of melo­dra­ma. sev­er­al points of sub­tle effect were evi­dent as well espe­cial­ly in a way that por­trayed the cir­cus per­form­ers in a curi­ous­ly dichoto­mous way. although they appeared in a posi­tion of pow­er, their very phys­i­cal pres­ence made it laugh­able. this says some­thing very impor­tant about the way we see phys­i­cal eccen­tric­i­ty.