Society and Culture Through Stupidity

my Soci­ety and Cul­ture Through Film class is tor­ture. i’m pret­ty sure i’ve already men­tioned this, but the things peo­ple say about movies in that class wound me. For instance:

Girl: I just want­ed to say that I think it is inter­est­ing how they uh, like, nev­er show the Indi­ans being killed, they just, like fall off their hors­es.

Pro­fes­sor (Brazil­ian accent): That is a good point, illus­trat­ing the casu­al atti­tude Amer­i­cans take regard­ing the death of their ene­mies.

Adam’s mind: …or it could be that the lim­i­ta­tions of the Pro­duc­tion Code pre­vent­ed film­mak­ers from show­ing death in a more macabre fash­ion until the ear­ly ’70s, plus the fact that ‘real­is­tic’ spe­cial effects that would enable clos­er shots of bat­tle and death did not exist at the time of the mak­ing of this film.

but hell, none of them are film majors. then again, this isn’t a very good exam­ple of what a class about Visu­al Anthro­pol­o­gy should be about. not one ethno­graph­ic piece is on the list. boool­ll­shi’!

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