
yes­ter­day’s poet­ry feed­back group was less than help­ful in most ways, but more than help­ful in one major way. My writ­ing, and dic­tion, needs to change unless i want to alien­ate read­ers and have them dis­miss my work. appar­ent­ly, and i can see this quite eas­i­ly, my ter­mi­nol­o­gy is a bit archa­ic, peo­ple can’t get their head around my lan­guage con­struc­tions, and there­fore can­not grasp my intent.

i also, and this is equal­ly impor­tant, and from my own real­iza­tions, need to come up with top­ics to write about that aren’t quite so cere­bral. i think i often use poet­ry as a form to speak on what­ev­er has been cog­i­tat­ing in the ole nog­gin. per­haps instead of tak­ing some­thing abstract and putting it into tan­gi­ble per­haps I should get my hands in the clay before cre­at­ing the pot.

thus, i must change, in order to reach read­ers i have to be able to cre­ate the scene with con­tem­po­rary lan­guage. this presents a prob­lem for me because i have trou­ble mak­ing images and sit­u­a­tions sound fresh and when i try to spice things up i inevitably get a bit old-fash­ioned. i need to fig­ure out how to direct myself toward the future or tap into the present instead of using the past as my recourse. how do i do this?

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