
Went to the library again. Got Grav­i­ty’s Rain­bow by Thomas Pyn­chon; The Com­plete poems of Carl Sand­burg; and a selec­tion of short sto­ries by Philip K. Dick.

As I was check­ing out, I was checked out by the librar­i­an.

She hit on me last time I was there as well. I was wear­ing me Hea­then T‑shirt, and she said some­thing about lik­ing it, but not hav­ing lis­tened to the album. David Bowie’s lat­est has been out for a year by this point.

She com­pli­ment­ed my shirt [plain black polo] this time as well and then com­pli­ment­ed my book choic­es. Its pret­ty creepy get­ting hit on by a librar­i­an, espe­cial­ly one that is at least ten years my senior.

There is a cute librar­i­an there, about my age, who is quite help­ful, but I’m a bit scared off by the old one with the glint in her eye. There was also a cute girl in church today. I won­der if I’ve just got cute girls on the brain. I expect ’tis so.

Cool Pyn­chon phras­es so far:

wast­ed gods urg­ing on a tardy glac­i­er

the usu­al loud-mouthed Amer­i­can ass-ban­dit­ry

7 thoughts on “Library”

  1. By this lov­ing exchange with your moth­er, it leads me to assume you did­n’t get the job out in Cali. Of course, I could be wrong…it’s hap­pened before. Either way, keep in touch. I’ll be up in Chica­go in a mat­ter of weeks. Take care.

  2. pick up the woman that’s hit­ting on you and use her to get to the cute one. is that eth­i­cal?

  3. There’s this sweet book­store in what I call The Gay Dis­trict of Seat­tle that has the first clause of Grav­i­ty’s Rain­bow spray-paint­ed high up on one of the walls, with a mas­sive papier‑m?ch? V‑2 half-jut­ting out of same. Almost brought a tear to my eye.

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