untitled 9 [test]

con­fu­sion reigns and with shad­owy steps
trods the well­worn ways and breathes the faerie air
of mud­dled love. nim­ble wraiths flit about amid
the dusky hued scents, leav­ing light­streaked trails
into abyssal hap­pi­ness.

Where to fol­low?
each path twice tempt­ing, head­ing back only brings
muf­fled stereo­phon­ic gig­gles and spi­rals deep­er into
the cloudy land­scape of enchant­ed kalei­do­scopes.
deep breaths or heady draughts suck in more of the
glit­ter­ing vibrant sand,

reveal­ing red­cheeked per­form­ers danc­ing side­ways into tomor­row
mim­ic­k­ing their steps, con­nect­ed to a brighter light,
a sec­ond skin, ethe­re­al, abstract, but plumb and true
closed eye jig­ging to a pri­mal beat, only for­ward
fur­ther up the intri­cate road of pow­dered ruby bliss.

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