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I’ve been home a day and I’ve done a lot, but accom­plished lit­tle. I already feel like I’m being has­sled by var­i­ous peo­ple for Still Liv­ing With Moth­er. I went to the library and got three sci-fi nov­els [includ­ing 2001: A Space Odyssey which, inter­est­ing­ly, was writ­ten as the film was shot] and a cou­ple of works of great anthro­pol­o­gy: James Fraz­er’s The Gold­en Bough [about rel­gions and spir­i­tu­al­ism in var­i­ous cul­tures] and Bro­nis­law Mali­nowski’s clas­sic Arg­onauts of the West­ern Pacif­ic [all about the Tro­briand Islanders].

Then I went to the gro­cery, and bought some won­der­ful food­stuffs, which I will be cook­ing to supreme suc­cu­lence in the next few days. When I got home, I applied to a job, and baked cook­ies. Then I went to my grand­moth­er’s house, helped her and my aunt load up the car for my aun­t’s garage sale in Noblesville this week­end, and got has­sled by them about get­ting a job. Tonight I plan on hang­ing out with some of my friends from High School, who are throw­ing a going away par­ty for anoth­er friend who is going to Alas­ka for to be a coun­selor for a youth camp.

This blog entry reminds me of what I used to write when I was just start­ing out this blog­ging thing. I should have a new poem up some­time rel­a­tive­ly soon, I just need to revise it a bit.

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