
i’ve sor­ta got a job! i’m on as a PA intern for an inde­pen­dent film being shot for 4 weeks in NYC. i don’t get paid, but i’m damn well pre­pared to impress those folks enough that they’ll help me find a pay­ing gig. my for­mer team­mate but for­ev­er friend Mags[nificent] Jor­dan has some ‘rents who total­ly dig the film­mak­ing scene [her dad is a mem­ber of the Acad­e­my]. They are the ones with the hookup here. I’ll be liv­ing and com­mut­ing with them to the set, which is going to feel great on my pock­et­book. this is a an oppor­tu­ni­ty i must take advan­tage of. Its an East Coast Coun­cil Film with a tiny bud­get of 1.6 mil and direct­ed by Bri­an Thomas.

I’ve nev­er been to NYC, so i assume i’m going to go apeshit vis­it­ing muse­ums and ran­dom clubs and stuff. i just wish i knew some­one out there to hang out with.

The Jor­dans live in New Jer­sey, The Armpit of Amer­i­ca.


8 thoughts on “Armpit”

  1. You have a cousin in NYC (Mea). I will get her address and phone num­ber.
    That’s my boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hey, con­grats! sounds excit­ing. maybe we can get a cup of tea (or bev­er­age of your choice) at a din­er some­time. let me know when you’ll be in the city.

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