Yo, my first day in NYC! I met all the girls that are working in the office. A few of them are quite cute too. I’m did clearances today and a bit of public domain research, as well as a few messenger errands. Clearance consists of getting release forms for whatever commericial items might be present on a set. So if the bar scene has a neon light of Budweiser, I would have to call up Anheuser-Busch, and talk to whoever is responsible for clearing signage on for that particular set dressing. The public domain was to make sure that some compositions by Bach and Mozart were legit.
The errands I ran were one to the post office and one to the NY Police Foundation on Park Avenue. Once the day was over we went to Penn Station and grabbed the train home. My first impression of New York: a big Chicago. My first impression of New Yorkers: they’re just like everyone else.
Tomorrow I’m going to meet the famous B?rd Edlund from edlundart. I also think I’ll wander around a bit and take some pictures. I’m definitely going to make my way to B&H photography which is like heaven for film stocks, camera equipment, etc. etc.