First Day

Yo, my first day in NYC! I met all the girls that are work­ing in the office. A few of them are quite cute too. I’m did clear­ances today and a bit of pub­lic domain research, as well as a few mes­sen­ger errands. Clear­ance con­sists of get­ting release forms for what­ev­er com­meri­cial items might be present on a set. So if the bar scene has a neon light of Bud­weis­er, I would have to call up Anheuser-Busch, and talk to who­ev­er is respon­si­ble for clear­ing sig­nage on for that par­tic­u­lar set dress­ing. The pub­lic domain was to make sure that some com­po­si­tions by Bach and Mozart were legit.

The errands I ran were one to the post office and one to the NY Police Foun­da­tion on Park Avenue. Once the day was over we went to Penn Sta­tion and grabbed the train home. My first impres­sion of New York: a big Chica­go. My first impres­sion of New York­ers: they’re just like every­one else.

Tomor­row I’m going to meet the famous B?rd Edlund from edlun­dart. I also think I’ll wan­der around a bit and take some pic­tures. I’m def­i­nite­ly going to make my way to B&H pho­tog­ra­phy which is like heav­en for film stocks, cam­era equip­ment, etc. etc.


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