
This place is great! Yes­ter­day I put in a 16 hour day, we shot the Man­hat­tan sky­line and the twin search­lights that were at ground zero. it was most cer­tain­ly an unof­fi­cial shoot, Lee Jor­dan [son of the won­der­ful folks i’m stay­ing with] was cam­era­man and I was his assis­tant. we shot Vision500 16mm col­or on his Bolex. I took a bunch of shots on my Nikon, and once I bust the roll [prob­a­bly today on the set] I’ll take them in for pro­cess­ing and see what I did wrong. This is only the first time I’ve actu­al­ly used the thing.

The fore­cast tomor­row is for rain, so I might stay in Jer­sey and head to the city on Sun­day. I’m get­ting pret­ty con­fi­dent in mov­ing around, but I still haven’t hopped on the sub­way yet. I tried to buy Andrew W.K.‘s newest at the Kmart in Penn Sta­tion but they did­n’t have it. Kmarts in Man­hat­tan have evolved into their own species, only cater­ing to what city folk want. I need to get to a Tow­er Records ASAP.

2 thoughts on “Rolling”

  1. the new andrew wk is excel­lent!! dont for­get the some girls album too!! i final­ly had to order the thging cause nowhere in this musi­cal vor­tex hell­hole called indi­ana had it. rock on adam. sounds like a good time.

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