Crow Recipe

yes yes, i know. i should update reg­u­lar­ly. instead of giv­ing excus­es i’ll just get to the news.

i haven eat­en my crow and now own a cell­phone. it is impos­si­ble to work in the film indus­try effec­tive­ly with­out one.

i have been apart­ment hunt­ing and the one i looked at today in Jer­sey City Heights is one i want. all includ­ed it would run me about $450 a month and it is only 20 min­utes by bus to Man­hat­tan. the neigh­bor­hood is nice, the apart­ment is nice and the two room­mates might be nice, but i’ve only met one of them so far.

my bee sting is cleared up apart from the small scar from where the stinger entered. i think i am going to switch over to lis­ten­ing to good rap for awhile, because it does­n’t seem that any­thing inter­est­ing is going on in the world of rock late­ly. i bought a Pix­ies CD today.

peo­ple please email me your cell num­bers and i swear i will call some night.

i should be at ND for the USC game to get my ring and see you ND bas­tards.

I am now quite expert at dri­ving a 15′ truck around NYC, park­ing it and basi­cal­ly dri­ving like a fiend. Fri­day I pulled in front of a tow truck in the grid­locked Brook­lyn-Queens Express­way and the guy flipped out. he cut off folks in the lane to my right, cut me off, threw open his door as i tried to edge around him and jumped on my bumper. then he pro­ceed­ed to curse at me, vol­ubly. i looked at him curi­ous­ly, and did­n’t say any­thing. i think that pissed him off even more, but i think he real­ized he was being quite ridicu­lous.

16 thoughts on “Crow Recipe”

  1. Word yo. You want a ride back to the Jerz? We leave Sun­day morn­ing.
    Also, the new My Morn­ing Jack­et disc is excel­lent.
    And the new Shins disc is forth­com­ing!

  2. two more things-
    ‑cell: 973.444.9458
    ‑you should have flipped the guy off and told him to fuck off. or just start yelling in anoth­er lan­guage.

  3. but to make the new york expe­ri­ence the fullest it can be, you got­ta make an obscene ges­ture and get mad enough to make a vein pop out of your head.
    russ­ian mafia is bad, cuz there is a lot of ital­ian mob around, and they will just shoot you if they think you’re russ­ian mob.

  4. No, there’s not a lot of Ital­ian mob around, thanks to RICO. And no, there’s no rea­son to curse in Ger­man.

  5. Dancer Rosa, nice. Is that that wild new set of trance remix­es of Surfer Rosa tracks? Or is it *anoth­er* trib­ute album?

  6. I dis­agree very much with the not a lot of ital­ian mob around. I’m from jer­sey. Any­one who thinks the mafia is over­with b/c of RICO is a bit naive.

  7. I think you might be talk­ing a lit­tle too loose­ly about the so-called Mafia/mob. Oh, but b/c you’re from Jer­sey though (oooooh), you obvi­ous­ly have first-hand knowl­edge of orga­nized crime in the tri-state area, I’m sure. There’s a big dif­fer­ence between some roman­ti­cized, many-ten­ta­cled, Hollywood/HBO con­cep­tion of La Cosa Nos­tra and a loose group of third-gen­er­a­tion Ital­ians run­ning call­ing card scams. In sum, there’s no Ital­ian “Mafia” or “mob.”

  8. now now. if any­one is going to be snide on this site it’ll be me. i will begin enforc­ing Pax Harvi if y’all don’t behave.

    dancer rosa is nei­ther of those things. its the name of the 1988 Pix­ies album.

  9. Ah, all right, all right. But you know I *got­ta* call peo­ple out when they say things they ought not to say.

    Any­way, I was being as snide as human­ly pos­si­ble with my inquir­ing about the Pix­ies album in ques­tion. I knew exact­ly what you were talk­ing about; it’s by far my favorite one, and I’d argue it’s their mag­num opus, but for the love of God, man, it’s called Surfer Rosa.

  10. Not to be a dick, Adam, but it’s one of my all-time favorite albums; I was being extra-snide with my ques­tions. I knew what you meant. If you’re stick­ing to your guns, though, try this link.

  11. (whoa, sor­ry, the first post did­n’t show up after I refreshed it a few times; excuse the redun­dan­cy)

  12. I swear I was the only per­son in Man­hat­tan with­out a cell­phone last sum­mer. It’s not just you film indus­try insid­ers; it’s Upper East Side pre­teens. Seri­ous­ly.

    Any­way, I’m off to the North­west the night before the USC game, so I’m gonna have to catch up with you anoth­er time. Until then, watch out for those urban bee­hives.

  13. I could email you some choice phras­es in Ger­man to spout off. Either that or pick up some Russ­ian and try to pass your­self off as Russ­ian Mafia. Seri­ous­ly, ignor­ing idiots isn’t such a bad approach either.

  14. Well, since I only speak Eng­lish, and Ger­man very bad­ly, I can’t come up with much more, but I am sure I could find some­thing insult­ing in Man­drin or Japanesse with­out too much effort.

    Oh, and Adam, Christy has class the day of the USC game, so I have an extra tick­et to the game if you want to use it for friends/family…I’ll let you have dibbs on it.

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