Last Friday I managed to go see KILL BILL with my buddy phil. I enjoyed the movie in a vague sort of way. oh sure it was entertaining, but i felt a sort of lack to it, all of the editing flourishes, the fx, etc… just there because they’re sexy. i expect a bit more from tarantino, some sort of statement. i can read in a critique about decadence, excess, and all that jazz, but i’m pretty sure tarantino isn’t critiquing it. i imagine his thought process was more like — i really like violent movies, and so do lots of people. i’ll make the most violent movie ever, do some cool doobers to make it look sexy and arty and then make a buncha bucks.
far more entertaining, and Ward, i hope you agree, is the tale phil related to me afterward. a student at my school was relating to his teacher the sundry uses that his family makes of opossum, obtained as roadkill or in other ways. [probably best not to ask] this youth was proud of his familial opossum gourmet. several weeks later he reminded his teacher of this and added a bit of a caveat.
the wording apparently was along these lines:
y’know how i said we ate ‘possum? well then we seen a ‘possum crawl out of a dead cow’s ass. we don’t eat ‘possum no more…
word got around lower waterloo [male social studies teachers being awful gossips] and the legend of Opossum Boy was born.