
For Hal­loween I am going to dress as a Scare­crow. I am also going to Cleve­land for a Hal­loween par­ty giv­en by my bud­dy. He has one every year, and it has been sev­er­al since I was last at it. I am seri­ous­ly look­ing for a place to live there, and employ­ment. I need to be some­place where there are things to do, and some­place where I can start to do things. I choose Cleve­land, most­ly because I have sev­er­al friends out there, it is a city [which means things to do] and it is suf­fi­cient­ly far enough away from my fam­i­ly as to give me some sense of auton­o­my.

I still think Ohio is a hole.

2 thoughts on “Scarecrow”

  1. Yea and Cleve­land to me is the black­est part of the hole. I have met very few Cleve­land natives that are worth­while peo­ple, but I sup­pose I should­n’t judge a whole city based on a few peo­ple right?
    Also, keep check­ing the ND site and email me in a week or two as there might be some temp type work­ing open­ing up soon (not to men­tion a full-time job or two).

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