
I went sled­ding today for the first time in sev­er­al years. We went to Edge­wa­ter and dis­cov­ered that a pletho­ra of ear­li­er tobog­ga­neers had packed the entire hill­side into a per­fect sled­ding slope. Anne had got­ten her child­hood sled from her par­ents place and she and Liam had picked up a cheapy plas­tic one from the store. The qual­i­ty dif­fer­ence was obvi­ous, the old wood­en one had the foot tiller and met­al run­ners and the plas­tic one looked like some­thing you would baste an entire pig in. they both rocked going down the slopes.

to be a brag­gart, i must say that i was the best sled­der there in regard to sled con­trol and dis­tance. although i was forced to eject sev­er­al times do to a bad vec­tor or unex­pect­ed tur­bu­lence, most of my mis­sions were a suc­cess. Haul­ing my ass up the hill after­ward was tedious though, since it was prob­a­bly around 130 yards from where i usu­al­ly end­ed up. it was a good work­out, though right now i would like to do some­thing to get me warm and thawed out. a cup of Earl Grey will have to do.

2 thoughts on “Sledding”

  1. i total­ly agree with you on the tube. i had one myself when i was back in indi­ana. here is cleve­land they are hard­er to find.

  2. *Farm­boy alert*
    I still find the best sled is an old inflat­ed trac­tor tire inter­tube. Basi­cal­ly you sit inside the tube and then straght­en out your legs to form a sort of wedge out of the tube. For the most part the tube will pro­tect you from bold­ers and what­not and you can real­ly get some veloc­i­ty with those things. The only draw­back is that they are fair­ly heavy (25lbs) how­ev­er if there is lit­tle wind they aren’t that hard to roll back up the hill. Too bad the snow nev­er spread even­ly out on the plains the stu­pid wind would leave drifts with bare patch­es in between. Any­way, sounds like a lot of fun.

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