Guitar Lesson

I had my first real gui­tar les­son last night. I feel much more sat­is­fied with this teacher than I ever did tak­ing class lessons at Notre Dame or the few crap­py lessons I took in Con­nersville. Since I can read music [or at least, since I used to be able to read music] we were able to cov­er four pages of the intro­duc­tion gui­tar method book in the half hour. I learned 6 notes and the first three strings of three chords. This first book only cov­ers the top of the fret­board and the sub­se­quent books move down the neck and give a selec­tion of gui­tar styles so a stu­dent can pick up some vari­ety.

I have to buy a gui­tar case and new strings. I knew both of these but was unable to man­age it over the week­end. So tonight I’m going to hitch on over to Gui­tar Cen­ter and spend some cash I don’t have so that my gui­tar is pro­tect­ed.

I’m glad to be learn­ing some­thing again. Actu­al­ly, I’m glad to be learn­ing any­thing. I need to have a con­stant goal of self-improve­ment for var­i­ous rea­sons; the major one being that I get bored with my life if it only con­tains the same thing. I hate being bored when I have free time. I have rec­on­ciled myself to often being bored whereev­er I work, but if I don’t have some­thing to do with my free-time I get bat­ty. This is prob­a­bly why I don’t have cable, as any time I watch the Idiot Box, I get bored out of my gourd. Thus, gui­tar lessons. I’ll stop ram­bling now.

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