The Weekend

The week­end went very well apart from it being spring break and me not see­ing every­one i want­ed to because of this. I got to eat at both Macri’s and CJ’s and actu­al­ly slept on a mat­tress for the first time in three months. my com­put­er is near­ly three times bet­ter than it was since jere­my hooked me up with an extra 17GB hard­drive two 128MB DIMs and anoth­er DVD-CD dri­ve. i can now down­load oodles more music and samu­rai jack episodes. i got to vis­it with steve a bit and catch up with every­thing that is going on with him. he sounds like he is actu­al­ly hap­py with the sit­u­a­tion of his life for once. on my way out from vis­it­ing him he hand­ed me an O Broth­er Where Art Thou DVD since he appar­ent­ly had two for some rea­son.

As for fenc­ing, it was great see­ing the peo­ple who were there and had­n’t tak­en off for spring break. it was also strange see­ing all the new peo­ple on the team and watch them inter­act with the peo­ple i knew. it sort of made me feel like i was obso­lete [as i am]. it was a very good time.

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