Weekend Thoughts

I’m sick so this entry might be a bit more errat­ic than usu­al. My inter­net is still down at my apart­ment, and has been so since Fri­day. Cox said they had no room this week­end to send some­one out to take care of it. The only two pos­si­bil­i­ties that come to mind for why I can­not con­nect are either my cable modem is hosed or the cable itself was turned off. The tech sup­port was­n’t much help. I’m pret­ty bereft with­out the inter­net at home. It is the only thing that I have for enter­tain­ment pur­pos­es. I pay 50 bucks a month for the ser­vice which is pret­ty shod­dy but it is the only broad­band ser­vice offered in the area. If the prob­lem is with my modem, I’m not going to buy anoth­er one from them I’m going to make them give me one for free, since I’ve only had the one U have now for 5 months.

Fri­day night I went out to Coven­try and had a blast brows­ing all the cool things over that way. I had sushi at Pacif­ic East a glass of some­thing French at the Wine Cel­lar and lis­tened to a band called Solo Fly­er at the Grog Shop. The Grog Shop is going to be a place I vis­it much more often. Sat­ur­day I drove out to Notre Dame and vis­it­ed briefly with Jere­my and his fam­i­ly. Then I had brunch at Bibler’s and went to the UP mall briefly. I saw some kick­ass shirts and ties in Express­Men but damn if those clothes aren’t a bit too expen­sive for my taste. $45 bucks for a shirt is a lit­tle pricey on my salary. I stayed at a friend’s par­en­t’s place and was the most aller­gic I’ve been in the pres­ence of cats in years. I was pret­ty much inca­pac­i­tat­ed. I think that is also a con­tribut­ing fac­tor to my cur­rent sick­ness. Sat­ur­day evening I had an Indi­an din­ner. Sun­day I met my friend Mon­i­ca for Mass and had an all too short vis­it with her. Then I went to Mea­gan’s BFA open­ing [the rea­son for going to ND this week­end]. It was good and I ran in to some old pro­fes­sor friends Jill God­milow and Mar­jorie Kin­sey. Mea­gan’s stuff looked real­ly good, I liked it bet­ter than most of the oth­er things. Then I hit the road back to Cleve­land and went to bed with a fever about an hour after get­ting home.

I’ve received some very nice com­pli­ments this past week­end. I was asked if I have ever con­sid­ered writ­ing as a pro­fes­sion and Mar­jorie told me that what­ev­er I end up doing will be inspir­ing and a gift to oth­ers pro­vid­ing I am doing some­thing that gives me joy. It is fun­ny to me that peo­ple have more faith in my abil­i­ties than I seem to. I’m always assailed by doubts. If I weren’t so inhibited/concerned with respon­si­bil­i­ty I do think I could do won­der­ful things. It is always quite sur­pris­ing when peo­ple tell me good things about me.

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