
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay.neon_lumberjack.jpg My host­ing com­pa­ny, logjamming.com, was hacked last Thurs­day. If you missed it and would like to see what the hack end­ed up look­ing like, look at this. I’m keen to think that they were nice hack­ers.

They could have destroyed all of the con­tent on the serv­er, but instead it appears that all they did was change every index.html file into what I linked to. It def­i­nite­ly scared the shit out of me and I’m slight­ly annoyed that my host­ing com­pa­ny was­n’t pro­tect­ed enough but every­thing turned out well and I did­n’t lose any of my stuff.

In the mean­time, I have, obvi­ous­ly, redesigned. I also hauled off every­thing from the serv­er as a byte-for-byte back­up and then delet­ed every­thing. I then rein­stalled Mov­able­Type with the Gallery plug-in. There are going to be a very large num­ber of dead links in the archives, for the time being, as I go through and clean house.

Even though no one checks it out, I’m going to redesign Ver­bal Impo­tence to make it look a lit­tle less clunky. I have ditched the side­blog in favor of keep­ing track of what I am read­ing, lis­ten­ing and watch­ing in the info page. The links are also slow­ly being revamped.

This design is the way it is because I’ve been re-admir­ing edlundart.com and oblivio.com late­ly.

Instead of hav­ing mul­ti­ple designs, I’ve opt­ed for hav­ing mul­ti­ple text sizes. I also dis­cov­ered a groovy trick that you can use if you want to change text sizes on any page you are look­ing at. If you have a mouse with a wheel, hold­ing Ctrl and mov­ing the wheel will change the font sizes. Ctrl-mouse­wheel!

As always, if some­thing does­n’t work, tell me about it. If it looks weird on your brows­er let me know as well. [I can only check Fire­fox and IE on a PC, so if you run some­thing else, espe­cial­ly Safari, IE or Opera on a Mac, let me know if it works well.] This design is def­i­nite­ly stay­ing the way it is for quite some time. I’ve got oth­er peo­ple’s sites to work on.

Before I for­get, I’m going to try to put up those lit­tle pic­tures before some of my posts [this is bla­tant­ly stolen from Obliv­io] I could­n’t decide which one I liked bet­ter for this post. Which of those do you like best?

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