Running Into Things

I ran into near rush-hour traf­fic this morn­ing on the way to work and then dis­cov­ered that many peo­ple must have decid­ed that Mon­day was get to work ass-ear­ly just like Adam day. Yes­ter­day, I ran to the library and picked up a cou­ple of books, [The Lathe of Heav­en by Ursu­la K. LeGuin and The Silence in Heav­en by Peter Lord-Wolff] and my lim­it of three DVDs, all for­eign. I nabbed Chushin­gu­ra — Hana no maki yuki no maki [a short­er ver­sion of the same sto­ry in The 47 Ronin, and this one has Toshi­ro in it]; The 400 Blows [Cri­te­ri­on Col­lec­tion DVD, w00t!]; and Ren? Clair’s ? nous la lib­ert?. While run­ning pri­or to that, I ran into some dog shit and it ran with me for the rest of my run. Or, at least it ran with me until I ran into a big suck­ing mud pud­dle and almost lost a hoof. Before that, I ran nowhere because I was still recov­er­ing from run­ning into a wall on Sat­ur­day after­noon when the falafel I’d had Sat­ur­day morn­ing decid­ed to run around in my intesti­nal tract. I had done some run­ning on Sat­ur­day whilst simul­ta­ne­ous­ly throw­ing a fris­bee as well.

Why am I always run­ning every­where? I should take the time to stop and smell the trees/bushes that grow along 77 and 90 and are there [in my the­o­ry] to cut the smell of the foundry/steel mill/chemical pro­cess­ing facil­i­ty just past them. They smell famil­iar but I’m not sure what they are, exact­ly. When I actu­al­ly go run­ning my work­out con­sists of run­ning and then walk­ing and then run­ning and then walk­ing and then run­ning and then walk­ing again. Not very dis­ci­plined. I fig­ure, how­ev­er, that if I just extend the amount of time my work­out takes, then I will even­tu­al­ly be able to cut out most of the walk­ing. I will end this entry abrupt­ly.

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