Spaghetti Con Vino

I don’t think I’ve ever writ­ten about food. I’m on an eat what I’m hun­gry for diet. This is not diet used in ‘what I eat to lose weight’ instead it is used in the ‘what I eat cause I’m hun­gry’ sense.

I love car­bo­hy­drates, espe­cial­ly in pas­ta form. You might even say that I have been on a car­bo­hy­drate diet my entire life. Starch and car­bo­hy­drates, dairy, fol­lowed by white meat, fish fruits and green veggies.That pret­ty much cov­ers a descend­ing order of my diet by vol­ume of what I eat. I don’t eat until I’m stuffed. I eat until I’m not hun­gry any more. I need to add more veg­eta­bles to my intake but oth­er than that I think I eat a rather healthy diet.

I do neglect to men­tion the [now great­ly reduced but still] vast amounts of sweets that I intake in a giv­en week. That is not a sup­ple­ment to my diet and since I def­i­nite­ly don’t live off of junk food, I dis­in­clude it.

I enjoy cook­ing and more impor­tant­ly, exper­i­ment­ing. Exper­i­ment­ing is dan­ger­ous, yes, but I’m a fan of rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple fare so if I screw up, the stuff is always still good enough to enjoy. Last evening I made spaghet­ti again, but like last week I tried cook­ing [saute?-ing?] some fresh veg­eta­bles [freshta­bles from here on] in some red wine for mix­ing with the spaghet­ti. I had a small zuc­chi­ni, some sliced mush­rooms, half a red pep­per left from last week, and a small tin of olives. The zuc­chi­ni and mush­rooms absorbed the wine quite nice­ly, as I had expect­ed and, though I had too much wine in the pan, They cooked up nice­ly enough. Next time I need to chop the zuc­chi­ni into small­er pieces.

What killed the taste of the wine-cooked freshta­bles [and I knew it was a bad idea as soon as I did it] was mix­ing them in with the store bought spaghet­ti sauce once the spaghet­ti was done. It real­ly took the punch out of the wine soaked veg­gies and basi­cal­ly turned the meal into just about any oth­er spaghet­ti meal I’ve ever had. It did give me a goal though. I’m going to devel­op my own spaghet­ti sauce, one that will work well with the winy veg­eta­bles. Besides, since that sauce will like­ly be made from freshta­bles it will be bet­ter and tasti­er than some­thing from a jar.

I also make my own poor man’s gar­lic toast. Most peo­ple think it is gross but I love it. Just light­ly but­ter some bread and put gar­lic pow­der on the but­tered side, stick it under the broil­er till the but­ter melts enough for the gar­lic to get inside the bread, flip it over until the back­side is brown and then flip it over until it is done to your lik­ing. Man, I can pack that stuff away.

3 thoughts on “Spaghetti Con Vino”

  1. I eat that kind of gar­lic bread all the time. Who the hell told you that’s gross?!? (I also like to throw some sea­soned salt and a dash of Mrs. Dash onto mine as well. Mmm­mm mmm.)

  2. wine and veg­gies. Sounds excel­lent 🙂

    I would be one of the peo­ple who think gar­lic pow­der is gross (though the “poor man’s” thing is a bit of a real gar­lic toast would­n’t cost any more ;). When I make gar­lic toast, I usu­al­ly just take a gar­lic clove, smash it with the side of my knife, remove the peel and rub it on the bread (do not attempt with spongey crap bread, it will crum­ble, real bread can take it though). A lit­tle but­ter and, just as you did, throw it in the broil­er. If I’m feel­in’ fan­cy, a lit­tle spin­kling of dried basil before broil­ing is good stuff too. But seri­ous­ly, real gar­lic toast takes no more time/money/skills than using the pow­der stuff.

  3. well i’m glad y’all like gar­lic toast.

    i apol­o­gize for the poor gram­mar and spelling in the post, i’ve real­ly got to start proof­ing things.

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