Rapid catch up. Friday I ate a mushroom forest, played pool with pool sharks and other deviants [including a goatherder and coxswain] and won at poker. Saturday and Sunday nothing happened. Yesterday my redesign went live and now has groovy style sheet switching on the right side. Whichever style you choose should remain that way if you accept cookies. The accessibility and usability need improved but I’m just glad my entries didn’t wig out like before. I don’t know if any of those xml feeds work because I’ve never used anything like that before. They are there at least. This site at least fakes compliance. I can work on prettifying it a bit more. Which style do you like best?
This sentence starts a new paragraph. I went to a class on Winning Oratory yesterday that was actually rather interesting. It didn’t teach me much that I didn’t already know, but since I cared more about it this time, I assimilated it a bit better. I had a long and hilarious conversation over AIM last night regarding the miniseries 10.5. Since I don’t have a TV that gets reception of any kind, I hear all of my idiot box tidbits through friends. 10.5 sounds like it is so bad that it brings the TV miniseries to a new low. I was tempted to do an analysis of it, much like I did for The Da Vinci code, yet this time examining it from an academic position, but I’m too lazy to do that today.
Which is why you get a random assortment of sentences that have no real coherence. You can also check out some movie reviews over at Lauren’s place.
Paragraph breaks are hard to see.