Well isn’t this place a geographic oddity.

This week is a bust as blog­ging goes, since tomor­row I’m work­ing on a Habi­tat for Human­i­ty house with some cowork­ers. I’ve obvi­ous­ly changed the stylesheets around a bit and hope­ful­ly they are a bit more read­able. Thanks to A List Apart for giv­ing me the nec­es­saries. I still can’t fig­ure out why there isn’t more space between the para­graph breaks. I know it is a CSS issue, but it is beyond my mea­ger skills when I think about how to apply an attribute out­side of a para­graph tag. Still, the out­put is inside anoth­er tag. If the answer lies there I don’t know what it looks like. So instead I will code the breaks man­u­al­ly for the time being.

Do you think all those but­tons over on the side are tacky? I’m start­ing to. I think I just stuck ’em on there because oth­er sites use them. I believe the pre­vail­ing rules is to not use an image unless you have to. Anoth­er bell and whis­tle that I am ready to add is a CSS cod­ed drop shad­ow. I’m hav­ing no prob­lems with the code here, but rather, prob­lems mak­ing a drop shad­ow in an emp­ty selec­tion. Once I fig­ure that out I must then fig­ure out just how damn big the shad­ow needs to be to fit around my main con­tent win­dow. the size rec­om­mend­ed by A List Apart is far too small. And, since I am dopey, I don’t real­ly know what they mean when they say:

apply­ing the effect to an emp­ty selec­tion

I’ve been on anoth­er music down­load­ing spree late­ly. But I’m at the point where I need some help. I need dance tunes and real­ly good ones. Yet it has been so long since I have lis­tened to good dance music I can’t remem­ber the names of any of the songs. I don’t mean any of the innu­mer­able tech­no songs, I need songs from when I/you was/were in junior high and high school and even col­lege. Gangs­ta rap anthems, junk like that. So, if you please, leave a com­ment and list some songs you feel that I should absolute­ly have if I was going to throw a dance par­ty.

I’m not. So don’t get excit­ed.

I’m also some­what uncon­fi­dent of the sub­ti­tle for the site on my green style. ‘.44 Cal­iber Soul Revolt’ was what I set­tled on, I thought ‘Rev­o­lu­tion as Pro­pa­gan­da’ was too pre­ten­tious and ‘Guer­ril­la Audac­i­ty’ was too stu­pid. It needs to fit with the theme of the style. I real­ly want some­thing that will both make fun of the faux-army clothes of Amer­i­can Eagle/Abercrappie col­lec­tive and still be apt for my own idiom. If you have any ideas please tell me.

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