Infinity Equals Zero

bunny.jpg What most peo­ple would call split­ting hairs, I call find­ing seams, weak­ness­es and assump­tions that, for me at least, need expli­cat­ed to my some­what sat­is­fac­tion. Most­ly these things end up cir­cu­lar­ly and noth­ing gets resolved except my under­stand­ing of cer­tain sub­tleties. Infin­i­ty equals zero, or some­thing like it.

Noth­ing mate­r­i­al [that I can think of] is infi­nite. Num­bers are infi­nite but aren’t mate­r­i­al, and the uni­verse might appear infi­nite, but isn’t, since it is bound­ed by what­ev­er it is expand­ing into. Void exists out­side the uni­verse and is zero. Infin­i­ty and zero are both abstrac­tions and have no mate­r­i­al exam­ple. They can be described and under­stood but not seen.

You can­not show me zero whoopee cush­ions because if I see a whoopee cush­ion there are more than zero whoopee cush­ions.

Like­wise, you can­not show me infi­nite rub­ber chick­ens because it would take an infi­nite­ly long time to do so. Time, a form of mea­sure­ment, is con­cerned with find­ing the lim­its of things and, I think, would be quite use­less in try­ing to mea­sure some­thing lim­it­less. Also, as far as I know, time is not infi­nite. Per­haps using rel­a­tiv­i­ty you could show me infi­nite rub­ber chick­ens, but I’d much rather have a ham sand­wich.

Back to the void. If void is zero [lack, a null set, empti­ness] and void [that which is out­side the uni­verse] is infi­nite [bound­less, immea­sure­able, illim­itable] then they are equal in some sense. Both are abstrac­tions of mea­sur­ing the immea­sure­able.

Assum­ing that par­al­lel uni­vers­es exist, what I’ve been twirling around here must be tak­en to a high­er order. If par­al­lel uni­vers­es exist then the void that one uni­verse expands in to is less than mean­ing­less. The deter­mi­na­tion then lies in dis­cov­er­ing whether par­al­lel uni­vers­es are bound by some­thing or oth­er­wise exist inde­pen­dent­ly is some­thing I’ll need to med­i­tate upon fur­ther.

It is impor­tant for me to hold on to the real­iza­tion engage­ment I have final­ly reached in my under­stand­ing of the con­cepts of zero and infin­i­ty. While it is easy to reach the con­clu­sion that they are equal while exam­in­ing them with the expand­ing uni­verse the­o­ry, the par­al­lel uni­vers­es par­a­digm adds a bit more com­plex­i­ty than I can grap­ple with at the moment.

I’m right, right?

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