The Limits of Self-Actualization [and randomness]

mannequin.jpgself-ac?tu?al?ize: To devel­op or achieve one’s full poten­tial. It real­ly isn’t that fair to cri­tique a sim­ple def­i­n­i­tion of self-actu­al­iza­tion with­out address­ing it in a engaged and intel­li­gent man­ner, but I am too lazy to reread what I’ve already read and catch up on what’s hot these days in per­son­al def­i­n­i­tion.

By that def­i­n­i­tion of self-actu­al­iza­tion, I no longer have a wish to self-actu­al­ize. If I achieved my full poten­tial noth­ing would be left but plateau and decline. I would no longer have noth­ing to strive for or any rea­son to do any­thing. Achiev­ing full poten­tial also assumes that my poten­tial has lim­its. I don’t like to think that poten­tial has lim­its. There should always be some­thing that can be improved. So I sup­pose I also have no desire to be per­fect. The effec­tive striv­ing toward is what has val­ue to me. The action and not the com­ple­tion of it.

Now, if only I was­n’t a hyp­ocrite.


oth­er things:

I’ve been hav­ing a recur­ring dream where this guy in her­ring­bone pants fol­lows me around. I assume this is because I still want a pair of her­ring­bone pants from Express­Men.

I real­ly need to get the new Jim­mie’s Chick­en Shack album.

I talked to a cute girl at the BMV yes­ter­day but was too much of a pussy to ask for her num­ber†.

The smell of cig­a­rettes on cloth­ing and the taste of cig­a­rettes in a mouth is in my top five list of unat­trac­tive things.

Four oth­er things that I find major­ly unat­trac­tive:

1. Poor hygiene [most peo­ple at the BMV haven’t washed in days, this is because they have been wait­ing in line for that long]
2. Obe­si­ty / Anorex­ia [again at the BMV, one woman had to turn side­ways to get through the door and anoth­er had legs skin­nier than my wrists]
3. Stu­pid­i­ty [igno­rance is okay]
4. Hairy arms [some­thing weirds me out about girls with arms hairi­er than mine]

The BMV is the best place to go to get a cross-sec­tion of Amer­i­ca.
These cor­re­late.