
lightbulb.jpgI hacked out a rough­est draft of a poem last night. First I have writ­ten in a long while. I talked to a poet friend in NYC and some­thing sort of fell in place. The poem is about a pel­i­can.

I’ve been think­ing about the sun a lot late­ly, most­ly since the lat­est Nation­al Geo­graph­ic, and I had a thought that was inter­est­ing to me. The sun has no shad­ow. I’ve been try­ing to fig­ure out a good way to use this thought. At first I thought the sun might be lone­ly because it has no shad­ow, just as the wind must be tired because it nev­er stops blow­ing. Then I ran out of steam.

I’m too busy at the moment to do much blog­ging. I have some vis­i­tors com­ing this week­end and I must pre­pare for them. I’m also over­loaded like mad with work. That is all for now.

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