
teapot.jpgToday is ‘Ask Me A Ques­tion And I Will Answer It Day.’† I don’t real­ly have any­thing to write about, nor do I know why I chose a pic­ture of some teapots. I’ve not been think­ing very much as of late.

† I swear.

28 thoughts on “Teapot”

  1. I don’t believe you spec­i­fied that a per­son had to use they’re real name in order to get an answer.

  2. oh mag­ic 8‑ball adam.…will it rain today?

    oh mag­ic 8‑ball adam.…are the ladies fawn­ing over you yet?

    oh mag­ic 8‑ball adam.…where’s that G‑Mail account?

  3. Ray Ray: That is cor­rect, I also did not spec­i­fy that my answer would be cor­rect, or, even make sense.

    Patrick: Love is a well-made meal with fresh pie for dessert and a nice nap after.

    Jmay: Yes. No. Check your jeremyandchristy.net email.

  4. I rarely check that account.
    oh mag­ic 8‑ball adam.…
    The link you fol­lowed to this page seems to be stale. Since the link has passed its expi­ra­tion date, it’s no longer valid for a Gmail account. If you’d still like to sign up for Gmail, you’ll need to get a fresh account cre­ation link. We apol­o­gize for the incon­ve­nience.

  5. Do you still talk to the red-haired one of which you rarely speak? Still har­bor resent­ment toward that, or do you think you’ve moved past it?

    I wrote her an email a month ago, she respond­ed, but I dun­no, it sor­ta seemed stale and I don?t think she cares to hear from me or not. No big­gy. The only thing I resent about that sit­u­a­tion is my own stu­pid­i­ty. As for mov­ing past it, every time I do some­thing stu­pid I?m remind­ed of all the oth­er times I?ve done some­thing stu­pid, so I don?t for­get it, but I am beyond it.

    Kat has always won­dered if you found her attrac­tive enough to date? She, if you had­n’t noticed, finds you attrac­tive. I will now wash my hands of that, since play­ing (psue­do) match­mak­er blows.

    I do not know her well enough or remem­ber what she looks like well enough to deter­mine whether she is attrac­tive to me or not. But, if I did remem­ber her as the coolest and hottest chick­ie ever, I still wouldn?t date her because you did for so long. Dat­ing a friend?s ex would weird me ou.

    What is your mom’s mid­dle name?

    She doesn?t have one.

    How many times have you been in love?

    I?ve loved plen­ty of peo­ple, it comes eas­i­ly to me, but I don?t think I?ve ever ?been in love? because it has nev­er been rec­i­p­ro­cat­ed.

    I have won­dered about this off and on since high school end­ed… did/do you dis­like Emi­ly? Or did I mis­take dis­like for burn­ing sex­u­al ten­sion?

    I?ve got no prob­lem with Emi­ly and I?ve nev­er had. I?ve also nev­er want­ed to be more than friends with her. I don?t know WHERE you got that feel­ing.

    Will Episode III suck or just blow? Is it like­ly it’ll do both?

    My mind bog­gles at how bad it is like­ly to be.

    Am I insane for even con­sid­er­ing mov­ing back to C’ville for Em?


    Did you enjoy los­ing your vir­gin­i­ty or was it a for­get­table expe­ri­ence?

    I enjoyed it, how could some­one for­get the first time?

    More fun to watch with a large group: Rocky Hor­ror Pic­ture Show or Mon­ty Python and the Holy Grail?

    Holy Grail is much more quote­able, Rocky Hor­ror weirds too many folks out.

    Would you be inter­est­ed in help­ing me orga­nize a get-togeth­er of all our mutu­al old friends (I’m talk­ing like 15 peo­ple, plus pos­si­ble SOs) some­time, some­place, tak­ing place in the next year or so? I’ve had it in my mind to try all sum­mer.

    Per­haps, you got­ta give me more details. Shoot me an email.

  6. Ques­tion #33:
    So you think you can only be “in love” when it’s rec­i­p­ro­cat­ed?

  7. Lau­ren, yeah, if i love some­one and it is not returned i am not ‘in love’ because i am pro­ject­ing love from myself and receiv­ing none in return. for me, ‘being in love’ is lov­ing and being loved in return or being loved and lov­ing in return and both. if love is a one way street then it nev­er gets any­where.

    k, that sounds like a real­ly neat col­lec­tion. is it very large?

  8. dear strongbad.….i mean adam.…heres a cou­ple.…..

    1. what is, in your opin­ion, the great­est song of all time

    2. why am i so awe­some?

    3. whats the last good book you read, and should i read it?

    4. what do you remem­ber most from high school?

  9. kara,

    wow, that is a pret­ty sweet teapot. I bet a lot of the sto­ries would be like ‘Saw some­one asleep and drool­ing on the way to Sacra­men­to.’


    1. Good god man, you should know bet­ter than to ask some­thing like that. I’m going to say Bohemi­an Rhap­sody just cause I can play it no mat­ter what mood I’m in.

    2. Because you rock on.

    3. You should read The Lathe of Heav­en by Ursu­la K. LeGuin, its all about mad­ness and real­i­ty and dreams. Its sci­ence fic­tion.

    4. I remem­ber shirt­less run­ning on brit­tle brown grass in 95 degree heat, breath­ing in dust. I remem­ber wear­ing togas to school senior year and get­ting away with it and I remem­ber bail­ing out of SRT to go hang in Glo’s room. I also remem­ber all the car rides to Rich­mond.

  10. Where am I right now as I write this?

    What have I done today?

    When am I plan­ning on fol­low­ing through on my plans for world dom­i­na­tion?

    What is that smell ema­nat­ing from your ori­fices?

    Do you like to be tick­led?

  11. Wow, let me break out my list I start­ed mak­ing in 7th grade… Truth­ful­ly, I’d ask a list of ques­tions as long as the dis­tance between Lafayette and Cleve­land, but I respect your pri­va­cy too much.

    I hope you field some fun ques­tions and have a nice Thurs­day. 🙂

  12. 1: Patrick, try this essay. As for me, I’d solve a prob­lem like Maria by ask­ing her to solve the prob­lem.

    2: NeaL, god­dammit ask a few of ’em already.

    3: Ray Ray, your IP address is which is owned the com­pa­ny for which we work. Ergo, you are prob­a­bly with­in punch­ing dis­tance of me. If you ask the ques­tion with your real name I will answer it truth­ful­ly. Until then, my answer is ‘your mom.’

    4: Bacon

    5: Liv­ing in fear for a long time [i’m still like this in some ways, which still caus­es me regret]

  13. Whoa. Bacon is a condi­ment now? WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME!? All the years I went with­out bacon on my chee­rios…

    You bas­tards.

  14. Okay, I am much too curi­ous. Don’t say I did­n’t warn you, and of course you reserve the right to shun me on any ques­tion if applic­a­ble…

    1. Do you still talk to the red-haired one of which you rarely speak? Still har­bor resent­ment toward that, or do you think you’ve moved past it?
    2. Kat has always won­dered if you found her attrac­tive enough to date? She, if you had­n’t noticed, finds you attrac­tive. I will now wash my hands of that, since play­ing (psue­do) match­mak­er blows.
    3. What is your mom’s mid­dle name?
    4. How many times have you been in love?
    5. I have won­dered about this off and on since high school end­ed… did/do you dis­like Emi­ly? Or did I mis­take dis­like for burn­ing sex­u­al ten­sion?
    6. Will Episode III suck or just blow? Is it like­ly it’ll do both?
    7. Am I insane for even con­sid­er­ing mov­ing back to C’ville for Em?
    8. Did you enjoy los­ing your vir­gin­i­ty or was it a for­get­table expe­ri­ence?
    9. More fun to watch with a large group: Rocky Hor­ror Pic­ture Show or Mon­ty Python and the Holy Grail?
    10. Would you be inter­est­ed in help­ing me orga­nize a get-togeth­er of all our mutu­al old friends (I’m talk­ing like 15 peo­ple, plus pos­si­ble SOs) some­time, some­place, tak­ing place in the next year or so? I’ve had it in my mind to try all sum­mer.

  15. TOT
    One of my small stur­dy teapots was used to serve tea aboard the rail­way — pre ’30s.
    I think of the sto­ries it could tell.

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