
williamses.jpgA friend of mine and her two sis­ters came to vis­it me for the week­end. They are road­trip­ping across the coun­try, stop­ping when their mon­ey runs out, and then mak­ing cash by sell­ing their art work. At least, that is the plan.

Abby, my friend, and Leeanne, her younger sis­ter both grad­u­at­ed from RISD this past May. Their old­er sis­ter, Jenelle, teach­es art to mid­dle and high school­ers in Mass­a­chu­setts. Their mom is a painter and art comes nat­u­ral­ly to them all. Pret­ty amaz­ing.

Any­way, they got here Fri­day night and I treat­ed them to Pacif­ic East sushi, then we went back to my tiny apart­ment [some­how four peo­ple man­aged to sleep in it] and watched Amelie. The next day we went thrift shop­ping, since the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was a bit too expen­sive. We then came back and relaxed a bit, I made them Ital­ian Herbed chick­en [which end­ed up a bit tough and dry, first time that has ever hap­pened to me, but still tasty] and then we got drunk while play­ing set­back. Then we walked to the bowl­ing alley a few blocks away and bowled, then we came back and went to sleep.

The next day, Sun­day, they took off for War­ren Dunes state park in Michi­gan where they were going to have a relax­ing day at the dunes before hit­ting Chica­go. I sent them off with a mix CD and some choco­late chip cook­ies.

Despite not doing any­thing incred­i­bly excit­ing, they seemed to enjoy them­selves. I enjoyed it too. When they left I was a bit sad because I could­n’t go with them. It also got me think­ing that since I don’t have any broth­ers or sis­ters, I can’t ever have a bond­ing expe­ri­ence like they are hav­ing this sum­mer. I hope they have a great time.

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