Punching the Clock

time-clock.gifTo round off the week on the cor­po­rate theme, here are some emails we have received for log­ging our hours. The rules are more intri­cate than Sharia law. But Don’t Call It A Time Clock.

For rea­sons unknown to most, and explained even less clear­ly than the afore­men­tioned com­pen­sa­tion doober, we are required to keep track of every sec­tion that we edit, test, ver­i­fy or review as well as num­bers of forms down­loaded and time spent research­ing online, mak­ing lists and updat­ing charts and even keep­ing track of how much time it takes to keep track of how much time it takes. [i kid ye not]. Thus, when they make it even hard­er through the fol­low­ing emails, it is pos­si­ble ot see why the capa­bil­i­ties of my TI-83 cal­cu­la­tor and slide rule are insuf­fi­cient to fill out my web­time.

—–Orig­i­nal Mes­sage—–
From: Mug­wum­pus, Corn­fu­sion Q.
Sent: Mon­day, August 23, 2004 1:36 PM
Sub­ject: End of the month and Labor Day time

With the end of the month and a hol­i­day com­ing up, we will have some changes to our time col­lec­tion next week.

Mon­day, August 30, the time for this week (8/22–28) will be col­lect­ed. Please have your time sub­mit­ted by the time you leave on Fri­day, 8/27.

Tues­day, August 31, the time for Sun­day and Mon­day, 8/29–30 will be col­lect­ed. Please have your time sub­mit­ted before you leave on Mon­day, 8/30.

Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 3, the time for Tues­day through Sat­ur­day, 8/31–9/4 will be col­lect­ed. Any time for Fri­day and Sat­ur­day will have to be esti­mat­ed. Please have your time sub­mit­ted before you leave on Thurs­day, 9/2.

I will be col­lect­ing the time start­ing at 9:00 each col­lec­tion day- check­ing to see that all time is in.

A cal­en­dar with this info will be post­ed on the bul­letin board on eah floor. Thank you

The next three emails all apply to the same time frame and were received in the same work week.

—–Orig­i­nal Mes­sage—–
From: Mug­wum­pus, Corn­fu­sion Q.
Sent: Thurs­day, June 24, 2004 2:15 PM
Sub­ject: Time over the next 3 weeks
Impor­tance: High

Over the next three weeks we are going to be ask­ing to have time in at irreg­u­lar dates, so here it is. I will be post­ing a cal­en­dar of these weeks with the times and dates on the bul­letin boards on 2 and 3 for ref­er­ence.

This week, time needs to be in today before you leave so I can send it to Eagan Fri­day morn­ing. Any time for Fri­day (6/25) and Sat­ur­day (6/26) will need to be esti­mat­ed.

Next week, time for the end of the month (6/27–6/30) needs to be in on Tues­day, 6/29, by 2:00. Time for Tues­day may need to be esti­mat­ed and time for Wednes­day (6/30) will have to be esti­mat­ed. I have to send the time to Eagan before I leave on Tues­day.

The next week, after the hol­i­day (we have Fri­day 7/2 and Mon­day 7/5 off) time for Thurs­day (7/1) and any time over that week­end (7/2 and 7/3) needs to be in before you leave on Tues­day, 7/6. I will be send­ing the time for that on Wednes­day morn­ing.

—–Orig­i­nal Mes­sage—–
From: Mug­wum­pus, Corn­fu­sion Q.
Sent: Mon­day, June 28, 2004 11:14 AM
Sub­ject: time this week

Just a remender- don’t for­get to get your time in for Sun­day thru Wednes­day before you leave on Tues­day. You may have to esti­mate part of Tues­day and all of Wednes­day. Thanks

—–Orig­i­nal Mes­sage—–
From: Mug­wum­pus, Corn­fu­sion Q.
Sent: Tues­day, June 29, 2004 1:35 PM
Sub­ject: time
Impor­tance: High

Don’t for­get I need your time for this week- thru Wednes­day- in about a half hour!
(You can put in Thurs­day too if you want.)

Most emails from Mug­wum­pus, Corn­fu­sion Q. make even less sense.

One thought on “Punching the Clock”

  1. Oh my gosh. I am so glad I don’t have to wor­ry about all that crap. My pay is 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am get­ting paid when I am sleep­ing. It’s hard work,but some­body’s got­ta do it. My sym­pa­thies to you though.

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