The Bourne Supremacy and a Dream

thebournesupremacy1.jpg The Bourne Suprema­cy is not a movie you want to watch from the front row of an ill-designed movie the­ater. I don’t, in fact, know if it is a good movie or not, so I’ll just talk about the expe­ri­ence.

Tues­day nights are $4 movie nights at var­i­ous the­aters. Some­times it isn’t very crowd­ed but this time it was a bit ridicu­lous. The line was longer than [insert vul­gar body ref­er­ence] so when we got into the the­ater, the only spot with three emp­ty seats togeth­er was in the front row. The front row is about 2 feet from the screen.

The Bourne Suprema­cy, as far as I can tell, was entire­ly com­posed of rapid­ly cut, surveillance/home movie-ish hand-held, shal­low to out of focus close-ups. This does not make for an easy stom­ach when you have to let your eyes got into macro mode just to see the entire screen. It was quite hard to fol­low the film in these cir­cum­stances. At one point I got up and walked around in the lob­by to regain my sense of bal­ance and when I reen­tered the the­ater [at the con­clu­sion of a 5 minute chase scene] It was amaz­ing to look at the screen and actu­al­ly not see each of Matt Damon’s pores.

I had anoth­er hero dream last night. I was an angel, but not a stereo­typ­i­cal angel. Even though I had pow­ers, I was up against anoth­er angel and so they were use­less. So for all intents and pur­pos­es I was just a per­son. I was maybe 5 years younger than I am cur­rent­ly, and my dream moth­er and father were mem­bers of the Ser­ra Group — like spe­cial ops thing for angels [Bourne Iden­ti­ty influ­ence I think] and they had a bunch of the fel­low oper­a­tives at our home [a dream­in­vent­ed one] and anoth­er group at my home in Con­nersville. Some­one was killed at the dream­in­vent­ed home dur­ing the night and the next day no one heard from the oth­er place. I knew who was doing the killing, a cowork­er named Dave. But the old­er oper­a­tives would­n’t believe that a fel­low Ser­ra Group oper­a­tive would do such a thing. And since I was try­ing to join the group it was dis­missed as a ploy for atten­tion. I took mat­ters into my own hands, stole a car [the pre-mod­i­fied Army of Dark­ness mobile] and went through a more decayed and dan­ger­ous ver­sion of Con­nersville on the way to Gregg Rd. Then the cops start­ed chas­ing me, I elud­ed them and pulled into this place that was a blend of the top of 5th Street Hill and 8th Street Hill. I need­ed some­thing, I don’t remem­ber what any­more and this real old hick woman with a mad/hungry look in her eye [I think she want­ed to eat me] came out and start­ed say­ing vague­ly threat­en­ing things. I hopped back in the car and tried to get it start­ed but it would­n’t start and then the son of the woman came out and tossed a bro­ken light­bulb wrapped in black paper into my car. Then my car start­ed and the light­bulb bomb made my car burst into flames. I knew these peo­ple want­ed to eat me because I was an angel so I drove the flam­ing car away. I went real real real fast, so fast that it put out the flames and then I stopped to take a look at the dam­age. I got out my wal­let and looked at a pro­vi­sion­al Ser­ra Group meme­ber­ship card and then crawled under the car to see the gas tank leak­ing like a sieve. I knew if I start­ed the car again, the spark would make it explode, and since I was already close to the oth­er place I hoofed it the rest of the way. I snuck into the house and past Dave, where I could see the poi­soned bod­ies of the oth­er oper­a­tives at the place. Dave was going to res­ur­rect them into evil angels. I was hid­ing under the counter/bar when he walked around the cor­ner and said ‘Hi Adam. Are you com­fort­able?’ Then I woke up because I had to have a piss.

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