Where Have I Been?

mryuck.jpg A week has gone by with no updates for one very good rea­son and sev­er­al oth­er cir­cum­stances that feed into it.

Over last week­end my host­ing com­pa­ny migrat­ed all of my stuff on to a new [nicer and hope­ful­ly more secure] serv­er. Every­thing appears to have made it over except for the key direc­to­ry the holds all of the scripts for Mov­able­Type. Ergo, I could­n’t login, y’all could­n’t com­ment, etc. Need­less to say, that did­n’t get fixed until last evening. Here is a vague recap of my week then.

Last Sat­ur­day evening my friend Bri­an Johnsen came back to his home­town of Cleve­land to vis­it his ‘rents. He is get­ting mar­ried in a lit­tle over a month in Indi­anapo­lis. I was invit­ed, with Liam and Anne [who might have just had her baby, I should call], to his moth­er’s place for din­ner and minia­ture golf after­ward. I’m pret­ty sure I won the minia­ture golf. Sun­day I went to church and did laun­dry and had eggs and a que­sadil­la for din­ner.

Mon­day I woke up and my stom­ach hurt a lit­tle. I made it to work but left after an hour. When I got home I puked and shat my way to a dehy­drat­ed state of deleri­um as my stom­ach tried to con­sume itself. Food poi­son­ing blows. Some­time that night I received a phone call from Liam invit­ing me to the Son­ic Youth con­cert the next day. It turned out lat­er that the con­cert was actu­al­ly going on when he called me, but oh well.

I made it in to work on Tues­day a cou­ple of hours lat­er than usu­al. Work has been a fuck­ing god­damn cock­slap fart-hork­ing pit of some­thing this week. Most­ly because an unnamed ex-team mem­ber did not care to pro­vide me with ade­quate doc­u­men­ta­tion or train­ing for main­frame statute extrac­tion script­ing and now both feels put-upon when I ask about the illeg­i­ble and non­sen­si­cal scrawls on the backs of scrap paper that qual­i­fies as doc­u­men­ta­tion and gloats over the fact that I’m fucked, she fucked me over, could­n’t give a fuck about it and can’t be fuck­ing touched. Deep breath.

Yes­ter­day I was final­ly able to con­sume a full meal. At lunch I ate at the Wink­ing Lizard and had a burg­er, steak fries and a root beer float.

A cou­ple of links:

Music Plas­ma: a pret­ty groovy GUI that makes a web of artists relat­ed by the style of music.

This woman weighed almost 100 pounds for every foot of her height.

Real­ly crap­py trail­er for a real­ly crap­py-look­ing movie, based on a rather crap­py video game.

Pen­e­trat­ing arti­cle on writ­ing style.

A sim­ple, fun game. [in Ger­man, but fear not]

[all links shame­less­ly plun­dered from MeFi and oth­er places]

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