4 thoughts on “Parliament of Owls”

  1. Ok here are a few at ran­dom:
    A Wom­bat (don’t ask me how to do it though)
    a pur­ple gor­ril­la (grape ape)
    a squir­rel
    rabid human
    pink pan­ther
    anti-goth (a bone white suit?)
    An unde­cid­ed prez can­di­date (somhow cut a mask so the lef­side is ker­ry, right side is bush?)
    upsidedown…aka but­head (you’ll have to ruin a pair of pants and fig­ure out how to stay some­what mod­est and keep a shirt on)
    ok so it’s late at night and I’m throw a lot of lame shit out..,

  2. Dr. Franken­furter or the police­man from the Vil­lage Peo­ple. (Think tight leather pants, baby!)

    ACKKKKKKKKK! Men­tal images are BAD.

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