Lazy Eye

lazyeye.jpgDo I have a lazy eye? Or, to be mild­ly more or less nicer about the top­ic, do I have ambly­opia or stra­bis­mus? No one has ever brought this up to me before, but while hav­ing din­ner in an Indi­an restau­rant a few weeks ago, one of my so-called friends men­tioned a lazy-eye in my direc­tion.

Now, I don’t think I have a lazy eye, but then, who am I to tell? Maybe I get a lazy eye when I am tired but no one has ever men­tioned it to me. Per­haps this is a recent devel­op­ment due to the flu­o­res­cent lights and con­stant com­put­er screen star­ing.

Lazy eyes aren’t some­thing peo­ple usu­al­ly ask about to a per­son who has an eye that is lazy. So I can posit how that would go unno­ticed. I am the type of per­son who will tell some­one if they have some­thing in their teeth or if their fly is open, but I would nev­er men­tion a lazy eye, assum­ing that the per­son would know about it.

I think what my so-called friend was notic­ing was my mis­shapen head. This is not nor­mal­ly notice­able to an extreme degree, for my head is not extreme­ly mis­shapen, but if my glass­es are crooked then it is more appar­ent because my glass­es will look straight, but my eyes will sit cat­ty­wam­pus. The left side of my face is a lit­tle bit low­er than the right side. My nose also angles slight­ly to the left. I do not know why I did­n’t say that the right side of my face is slight­ly high­er than the left. Also, my left eye tends to be a bit wider open the my right eye. Although maybe it is in fact my left eye which is less closed than my right eye.

Have you ever noticed if I get a lazy eye?

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