Show, Rugging, Move

mondrian.jpg Three sep­a­rate inci­dents, unre­lat­ed except that they all occurred this past week­end, they all occurred in Ohio and they all occurred to me. I had Pel­i­cano’s piz­za for like­ly the last time. It was tasty, but I still haven’t fig­ured out what the lit­tle tub of hon­ey is for.

Sub­lim­i­nal Self had a show on Fri­day and despite lay­ing a few eggs on Able-Bod­ied I played pret­ty well. Lush­well was wine-drink­ing music [a good thing!] and real­ly nice folks to boot. We did­n’t end up going on until around 1 in the morn­ing, but that hap­pens and appar­ent­ly Sub­Self was due. Alas, I still did­n’t get any chicks although I did play a round of pool with the chi­ca from Lush­well. Also got a free stick­er. [update! I made $7 dol­lars, appar­ent­ly, from the show. Maybe I should be in the band for the $$ and not the chicks.]

Went to L’s rug­by game on Sat­ur­day, they got wal­loped score-wise but the offi­cial said they did­n’t play bad­ly. They looked dog tired though at the half. Then L got her half-gimped knee caught under her the wrong way and I felt like a big goon but went out to see if she was alright. Flash­backs. urk. I decid­ed to go to the rug­by par­ty instead of watch­ing the Notre Dame game [blas­phe­my i know] where I got free wings and had a Guin­ness for $2.75. I want­ed to chat up one of L’s team­mates but decid­ed it would be bet­ter to let the team cel­e­bra­tions con­tin­ue unmo­lest­ed as it were.

Sun­day morn­ing I did the typ­i­cal Mass [where the homi­ly was indi­rect­ly and hor­ri­bly preached about choos­ing the right can­di­date that espous­es Catholic morals. Empha­sis on right. It was quite unsub­tle, and if you want to com­pare the Catholic­i­ty of the can­di­dates, then this chart from the Nation­al Catholic reporter does a good job. I snagged that from this MeFi thread, which has some oth­er inter­est­ing arti­cles on the Catholic vote as well.] laun­dry rou­tine and then did some pack­ing of my car. I got my keys to the new place around 12:30 and start­ed mov­ing in. I made three trips from old shit­hole to new pad and then passed out at 7:45, exhaust­ed.

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