I am final­ly and utter­ly moved in to my new place. I am con­stant­ly catch­ing myself grin­ning like a fool as I observe my domain. I can actu­al­ly walk from room to room I don’t have to use my bed as coun­ter­space when cook­ing, after 6 years of own­ing my TV I am actu­al­ly in a place that allows its inter­nal anten­na [a hereto­fore myth­i­cal beast] to pick up a few chan­nels. I have a couch to sprawl on. I still don’t have a table to eat on, but that will come.

I was a mum­my for Hal­loween. It was a very easy cos­tume to make, even though I kept falling apart [appro­pri­ate­ly I sup­pose]. I walked to a par­ty down the street from my new place and a girl in a car cat­called me and said I had nice legs. On my way home from the par­ty a girl on a porch told me I should come sit with them. I did­n’t although I prob­a­bly should have. I was exhaust­ed from mov­ing stuff from Indi­ana to my new place. It had tak­en all day.

I’m not going to have inter­net access at home for sev­er­al weeks it appears. The cable com­pa­ny is just real­ly slow about installing the stuff appar­ent­ly. I have a cut on my thumb and a doc­tor’s appoint­ment today.

5 thoughts on “BLORF”

  1. You should have talked to the girls, adam. Also, does the cut thumb = dr. appoint­ment, or are they unre­lat­ed.

  2. I should have talked to the girls, yes, but I was about to pass out from tired­ness. Sleep is still more impor­tant than girls.

    And they are unre­lat­ed. btw, I’ll be in town for the Pitt game.

  3. Will you be stay­ing in the new­ly ren­o­vat­ed guest room at the May inn?

    And nobody said you could­n’t pass out *with* the girls.…..

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