
I have bor­der­line high cho­les­terol, which basi­cal­ly means I need to get my act togeth­er and start a reg­u­lar exer­cise rou­tine. I already eat rather health­ily, so the most I can do there is cut out what gross­ness still exists. I walked around the perime­ter of Tremont on Sat­ur­day after I dis­cov­ered that the local library branch is only open dur­ing the week.

I also made it to the West Side Mar­ket and was suit­ably impressed. The first real meal I made in my apart­ment was polen­ta and baked stuffed toma­toes. It was pret­ty easy, some­what plain and lots tasty. The polen­ta turned out fine, but the baked stuffed toma­toes were more like stewed toma­toes due to a brain fart involv­ing bread crumbs. They were still tasty though.

I watched the ND game from my apart­ment. It was nice to do so.

7 thoughts on “Cholesterol”

  1. You should check out the down­town library, next time you have a free week­end. You can get lost in that place and it’s very impres­sive.

  2. could i make out with a hot young librar­i­an back in the dusty sex­tions {sic} of the research area and no one would be the wis­er?

  3. I think most of the hot young librar­i­ans work in the pri­vate sec­tor doing research any­ways.

  4. I worked as a librar­i­an for quite some time, and still find it empow­er­ing and arrous­ing to be around so many books.
    But then again, I am a nerd to the tenth pow­er.

    The west side mar­ket total­ly rocks, although I fear the indoors meat area a great deal. It smells in there.

  5. I read some­where that Kiwi (the fruit) will help low­er cho­les­terol…
    And Quak­er Oat­meal of course 🙂

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