Derelict Dream

I had a dream that I’ve not had in years, and it showed. Every­thing in the dream was old and derelict. There is this giant tree [now los­ing its leaves] and in the tree is a big net/hammock with a [now crusty­dusty] sheep­skin in it. I know that a famous elf once slept very rest­ful­ly here. There are sput­ter­ing B‑52 bombers fly­ing over­head and I can sort of see them pass­ing through the leaves.

I walk down the trunk and go belowdecks where it is creaky. Gob­lins start chuck­ing [rusty] wrought-iron grap­pling hooks at me so I take a spear and poke holes in a few of them. I have to get back out on the tree and get some­where soon or some­thing bad will hap­pen.

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