Potato Chip Comparison

I have pur­chased two brands of pota­to chips from the vend­ing machine. Hoot­ers™ Hot Wing Fla­vored Pota­to Chips, and Sny­der’s of Hanover Hot! Buf­fa­lo Wing Pota­to Chips. Here­in lies a com­par­i­son.

Hoot­ers™ Hot Wing Fla­vored Pota­to Chips don’t taste much like any­thing but hot­ness, I feel that they are prob­a­bly just doused in chem­i­cal spici­ness. The after­taste does pro­vide some­thing akin to a hint of buf­fa­lo wing­ness. The chips them­selves were typ­i­cal scrap bar­rel of the pota­to pile qual­i­ty, they were of mid­dling crispi­ness and stan­dard greasi­ness. They chips do not adverse­ly affect my breath. The back of a bag has a short his­to­ry of the Hoot­ers™ fran­chise and the nutri­tion infor­ma­tion. A one ounce bag con­tains 150 calo­ries, 10 grams of fat, 260mg of sodi­um and 4% Vit­a­min A. They are veg­e­tar­i­an, but not veg­an.

Sny­der’s of Hanover Hot! Buf­fa­lo Wing Pota­to Chips are ridged. They do, in fact have a smoky chick­e­ny fla­vor to them. Sort of like BBQ fla­vored Chiken-in-a-Biskit. They are a bit more bar­be­cuey than a hot buf­fa­lo wing and have a mild­ly cheesy after­taste. The chips them­selves, since ridged are most like­ly made from pota­to sweep­ings and are quite sus­pect. They were crispy and very light on the grease. They make my breath reek. The back of the bag reads “Imag­ine a plate of siz­zling chick­en wings smoth­ered in tangy hot sauce!” and the nutri­tion infor­ma­tion. A one ounce bag con­tains 150 calo­ries, 7 grams of fat, 340mg of sodi­um and 0% Vit­a­min A. They are nei­ther veg­e­tar­i­an nor veg­an.


Avoid these chips at all costs. This has been a 90 cent food review. Thank you.

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