Driving home on Wednesday was the worst idea ever. It took me twenty-two hours to drive from Cleveland to Connersville. I was doing okay until I got just past Dayton. Then I was stopped in my tracks on the Interstate for 10 hours.
The conditions were poor and dangerous, but at no time was I in any danger. Everyone seemed to be driving safely and the roads were quite busy with folk heading home. I think my top speed the entire trip was around 45 miles per hour. My car was sealed in ice at one point and I helped a few people dig out of a rest area where a dumbass semi driver had attempted to get through a ‘cars only’ area and, of course, gotten stuck.
I kept plenty warm in the 10 hours I was in the car. I had plenty of gas and turned on the car whenever I got chilly. There were thousands of people in the same boat as I was since Interstate 70 was closed for a couple of hundred miles. No one could move. Finally, around 11 yesterday, the semi in front of me moved forward a tiny bit and I managed to get home 4 hours later. Connersville got around 23″ of snow.
Mom is making blueberry muffins right now and my feet are warm.
10 hours stuck on the road? Blah! That is nothing! Try getting stuck in the building you work in for 3 days. Not brushing your teeth or washing yourself. Sleeping on uncomfortable cots and itchy wool blankets,and eating army food. Denver’s Blizzard of 2003 has got you beat. Merry Christmas!
Wow! What time did you leave town on Wednesday? We knew about the storm coming (but not how bad it would be) and left a little before 8am on Wednesday. My family also lives 600 miles south of Cleveland, so that helps. In any case, we saw snowflakes in Akron and drizzle and fog in southern Ohio and high winds in the mountains of Virginia, but no blizzards. Glad you didn’t freeze to death in a snowdrift! Oh yah — and Merry Christmas.
Oh come on, 26 inches of snow in 26 hours is fun! I haven’t left the farm since I slid my truck down the lane Friday. Horrible road conditions.
I’ll be emailing you something in the next day or so about New Year’s, if you’re still interested in alcohol and debauchery. Later!