Another Question Day

Ask me ques­tions and I’ll answer ’em. Can’t real­ly come up with any­thing worth writ­ing. [Ques­tions from peo­ple named RayRay will not be answered].


34 thoughts on “Another Question Day”

  1. Since appar­ent­ly every­one hates you and refus­es to ask ques­tions, I’ll ask one.

    Do you con­sid­er your­self a fem­i­nist?

  2. Lau­ren: I sup­pose that depends on your def­i­n­i­tion of “fem­i­nist” or what type of fem­i­nism you are talk­ing about. I’m a fem­i­nist in the sense that I don’t approve of sex/gender inequal­i­ty, and in a sense that where men and women aren’t equal they are at least bal­anced. That is, women can do things men can’t that women can’t do things men can. hehe.

    But I hold doors, and expect to lead when danc­ing and like it when a woman needs me to help her with some­thing. And I call women chicks and miss and girls and ladies.

    No, I don’t con­sid­er myself a fem­i­nist though, main­ly because it is a lim­it­ing label. If I said I was a fem­i­nist peo­ple might think that means I care more about wom­en’s rights than civ­il rights based on race or sex­u­al pref­er­ence; which would be incor­rect.

    Lyn­d­sey: I’ll answer any ques­tion. It just might not be “true” or the answer you “want to hear”.

  3. Well, even if they DID think this (“I care more about wom­en’s rights than civ­il rights based on race or sex­u­al pref­er­ence; which would be incor­rect”) does it real­ly mat­ter?

  4. Glo­ria Steinem’s def­i­n­i­tion of fem­i­nism is sim­ply the belief that men and women are equal. It has been way over-politi­cized, spe­fi­cial­ly by neo-cons with an agen­da, over the past 10 years or so.

  5. Yeah it would mat­ter. If it gets brought up then that means the per­son bring­ing it up is inter­est­ed in know­ing about it. So I’d rather give a spe­cif­ic expla­na­tion of how I think about peo­ple in gen­er­al, than how I think about a cer­tain group. That’s just the way I am.

  6. So you’re more­so uncom­fort­able with apply­ing terms to your­self that may end up pigeon­hol­ing you than you are with the actu­al tenets of, say, fem­i­nism?

  7. doh. i vio­lat­ed blog pro­to­col.
    new question(s): does every­one want to stay in NE Ohio, think it rocks, sucks, is ok? Any plans to move on out to where grass is alleged­ly green­er? Why do you want to stay/leave?

  8. I have been here for a year and enjoyed my time. I would be con­tent stay­ing here for some time, but I don’t know whether I want to stay here for­ev­er. I would like to trav­el a bit more before I decide where I would like to set­tle.

  9. I’ve lived in NE Ohio my whole life. And though I don’t think it rocks, I cer­tain­ly don’t think it sucks. I think this area has alot of “issues”, but basi­cal­ly, I think Cleve­land, itself, is a good town, with alot of excit­ing things going for it. That said, I do plan on mov­ing out. But that’s not so much to get away from Cleve­land as I think the world is just too damn big to spend my whole life in one place.

  10. Slow day at work Adam?
    It’s been busy as hell here.
    Here is a ques­tion for you?
    Are you com­ing back in this direc­tion for any fenc­ing meets this spring?

  11. I think I might be in the minor­i­ty then 🙂
    I like to see tall, lanky boys in briefs, but do under­stand that box­ers might be more com­fort­able for men regard­ing every­day wear.

    Actu­al­ly, I guess it does­n’t real­ly mat­ter to me what they wear, as long as it does­n’t read any­thing sil­ly any­where, like, “home of the whop­per.”

  12. yes, but sad­ly they only come in super­girl and bet­ty boop, at tar­get at least. where are the won­der woman ones?

  13. Whoa, last year I went and got some spi­der man under­oos from the lit­tle boys’ sec­tion of wal­mart. Because I am slen­der, they actu­al­ly fit real­ly well, and I rocked them for a long time. Until, even­tu­al­ly, my boyfriend (at the time) told me that he did­n’t like the lit­tle boy aspect of the under­wear. I guess it creeped him out.

    They are sur­pris­ing­ly com­fort­able though, so I still wear them now.
    That’s hot. (?)

  14. what, no option for box­er-briefs? only 2 kinds of men under­wear? undie fas­cist.

    as to women, not for me, of course, but boy-cut or low-rise.

  15. There are man-thongs too Patrick. *shud­der*

    I think thongs on girls are stu­pid. As are granny pants. Don’t real­ly care oth­er­wise.

  16. I used to be a jeans man, but khakis are tons more com­fort­able for me. I love my adi­das spezials. Unfor­tu­nate­ly it is win­ter so I’ve been wear­ing boots.

  17. i like that i am a *pro­fes­sion­al* and have to look the part some­what. I like wear­ing skirts and nice pants. If heels and dressier shoes were more com­fort­able, I’d wear them a lot more often. I tend to stick with my clogs and com­fy mary janes. sneak­ers for weekends/evenings.

  18. Thongs? Man-thongs *are* gross. Woman thongs, well, it depends on the kind. There’s many dif­fer­ent ones. Some, I like, oth­ers, not so.

    Slacks, jeans..what about Cords? That’s my #1 choice, after that..slacks. Just nev­er been a big jean guy. I own one pair of jeans.

  19. I’m a box­er-brief sort of guy. Best of both world IMHO. You get free­dom but no rid­ing. Which are my biggest com­plaints about the non-com­bos.

    Sneak­er or Loafer? Slacks or Jeans?
    I’m a Jeans and Sneak­er per­son myself…so much so, that I actu­al­ly defy the work­place decree on slacks/loafers on a week­ly basis.

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