Appetite Moustache

I just pol­ished off a bag of bour­bon brown­ies in about a minute. My appetite is just as, er, healthy as it was when I was in high school. This is a mixed bless­ing. I seem to be phys­i­cal­ly inca­pable of putting on weight, but I’m also always rav­en­ous. That is not much fun.

I have learned to con­trol it, so I can go for a day or so with­out eat­ing and not be undu­ly dis­com­fit­ed. The hunger is just a bit more extreme and a bit hard­er to abate when I eat next. Every­thing I eat is pret­ty high calo­rie stuff and it just turns to ash and dis­ap­pears when it becomes interred with­in the incin­er­a­tor that is my diges­tive sys­tem. The eas­i­est way to dis­tract my appetite is to offer me lit­tle vari­ety. If a steak is too big, I’ll get bored and won’t want to eat it any­more. Besides, I’ve nev­er been that good at mas­ti­cat­ing red meat. What a bor­ing entry.

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