Peachy Pork Chops

I made some damn tasty pork chops last night, and if the rice turned out a bit mushy for my taste, I man­aged to hide it a bit behind some but­ter, papri­ka and basil. The pork chops though, were just peachy. If you try this recipe you will def­i­nite­ly make­out like a ban­dit.

Here is what you need:

pork chops
sliced peach­es
peach pre­serves
veg­etable oil
5 Tbsp but­ter
1 clove gar­lic, chopped

Here is how you do it:

0. Pre­heat the oven to 350° or a bit hot­ter if you’ve got large chops.

1. Mix a 1 Tbsp flour per chop with salt and pep­per to taste and then light­ly bread the chops. You aren’t sup­posed to dip ’em in an egg or any­thing first, because the bread­ing should be as light as pos­si­ble [I think].

2. Melt 3 Tbsp of but­ter and oil in a pan [make it medi­um hot] and toss in the chopped gar­lic, chuck in the chops just long enough to seal the juices in from the out­side.

3. Remove the chops and leave the gar­licky oil in the pan for now. Sea­son the chops with the gin­ger, nut­meg and cloves. You can use more of these than you would nor­mal­ly think. I erred a bit cau­tious­ly this time, but the chops seem to absorb much of the taste.

4. Put the pan leav­ings in a bak­ing dish and then put the chops in the same bak­ing dish with the rest of the but­ter. Cov­er with foil and stick in the oven. After ten min­utes remove the foil and flip the chops.

5. Wait anoth­er ten min­utes, take the bak­ing dish out of the oven and put on a spoon­ful of peach pre­serves and a few peach slices sur­round­ing the pre­serves so they don’t run every­where. Stick back in the oven for anoth­er ten min­utes or so. Don’t over­cook and serve imme­di­ate­ly. [Total bak­ing time should be about 30 min­utes.]

6. Yum!

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