Haiku/Poetry Contest Planning

The 4th Annu­al Organ­ic Mechan­ic Haiku con­test is approach­ing. I’m try­ing to decide whether or not I should keep it strict­ly haiku, change it to a dirty lim­er­ick con­test, or make it a poet­ry con­test prop­er. What would you like?

I con­sid­ered mak­ing the prizes mon­e­tary this year, but I think I’ll stick with a book or some­thing groovy like this; and of course, the ubiq­ui­tous com­pi­la­tion CDs.

The con­test will run the month of April, since that is Nation­al Poet­ry Month, and I’m think­ing about ded­i­cat­ing the blog to poet­ry for that entire month. Since I’ve not writ­ten a poem, and only come up with a few appro­pri­ate sound­ing phras­es since then, per­haps reen­gag­ing in the world of poet­ry will relieve my com­pla­cen­cy.

In any case, I don’t think the haiku medi­um is work­ing as well any­more, the first year [now unfor­tu­nate­ly lost some­where in innu­mer­able redesigns and migra­tions] was amaz­ing. Dirty lim­er­icks might throw a bit of juice and rib­aldry back into the mix, but maybe it is time to grow up and only accept stuff that isn’t done only for the sake of being clever. Any input is wel­come.

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