It is that time of year again. Today is Mardi Gras and tomorrow Lent begins. Today is traditionally the last gasp of partying before dour penitence takes hold for a month or so. Of course, Mardi Gras was likely coopted from even older pagan celebrations of Carnival but there is still some debate. The Wikipedia, as always, has a good article.
So we’re supposed to be shriven tomorrow, so I don’t know why today is Shrove Tuesday. Unless Mardi Gras is a chance to sin so we can have stuff to be shriven for. No one uses the word shriven anymore. That is a shame.
Anyway, usually I give stuff up for Lent. Last year I gave up chocolate and only failed once, for my Grandma’s 80th birthday. I can’t really think of what to give up this year, because I don’t really have any bad habits. I do need to exercise more, so this year I’m going to make it my Lenten obligation to run, for at least a half hour, 5 days a week.
I’ve also submitted some volunteer applications through Business Volunteers Unlimited; so perhaps I’ll finally end up doing some volunteer work. It is always the right time for self-improvement, but it is a bit easier for me when it is expected of me.