
I went down to Akron last night with my friend Lau­ren to meet Pep­per­mint. Con­trary to pop­u­lar belief, she is not a 45 year old woman with smok­er-voice, frizzy bleached hair, hairy legs and a pen­chant for wear­ing muumuus. She does have a wicked cool apart­ment, a cou­ple of cats and some tables she wants us to take off her hands.

I bribed her with brown­ies, she made us CDs, we ate at Two Ami­gos and I was so vora­cious­ly hun­gry I think I might have appeared a bit churl­ish. I had a Zesty chori­zo bur­ri­to and I “made it wet” by get­ting it doused in chile gua­jil­lo. It was real­ly good. The best part of Two Ami­gos were their chips and sal­sa. I just want­ed to eat the sal­sa witha spoon. For dessert I had a Choco­late Zan­go, which was­n’t amaz­ing. The dri­ve back was in the teeth of some lake effect snow. It was white out in a few spots. I am tired.

Will Kessel has a good post on an infu­ri­at­ing seg­ment done by a local TV sta­tion that basi­cal­ly says if your child uses Xan­ga or Live­jour­nal they will get molest­ed by inter­net preda­tors. No men­tion, of course, of any actu­al inci­dents of this hap­pen­ing, just more Cul­ture of Fear hooha.

6 thoughts on “Peppermint”

  1. Churl­ish?

    and i would have been per­fect­ly fine with it if you licked the sal­sa out of the bowl.

    i don’t break out the muumuus until sum­mer time.

    adam and lau­ren were exem­plary vis­i­tors; i encour­age all to invite them to their homes.

  2. I am here to com­ment that I have been a vic­tim of cen­sor­ship. Appar­ent­ly, despite his procla­ma­tions that there’s noth­ing wrong with blogs, Adam feels the need to mod­er­ate his and delete per­fect­ly on-top­ic com­ments, to save them from the ten­der ears of oth­ers.

    He sucks.

  3. I now deeply regret delet­ing the pre­tend pedophilic inter­net preda­tor com­ment that you left ear­li­er under a pseu­do­nym.

  4. i am eat­ing a brown­ie for break­fast. mmmm.good.
    makes me want to go and solic­it 12 year olds over the inter­net.

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