The Dream About People I’ve Not Thought of in Years High School Reunion

I had a dream last night about all the peo­ple I was mere­ly acquaint­ed with in high school or the friends I’ve not talked to since high school last night. It is pret­ty obvi­ous what trig­gered this, I went through a bunch of my pic­tures yes­ter­day and put a few up for me to look at. So I saw all of their mugs whilst milling through.

They were all at a par­ty at my aun­t’s house in Noblesville. This was the old ver­sion of the house, before the addi­tions and before the tor­na­do knocked down the barn. Every­one was ham­mered and although they most­ly looked the same, they were 6 years old­er and telling me what was new in their lives. One girl was going to Thai­land to drink buck­ets of vod­ka [I think I pulled that from my friend Lau­ren’s friend Jef’s blog] and anoth­er had just pur­chased a 1970 Du 2, which my mind knew was some sort of ghet­to sled vehi­cle.

Then some work­er’s dis­man­tled the old chick­en coop which had been full of port-a-pots and sud­den­ly all that was left was a bunch of strange shaped emp­ty glass alco­hol con­tain­ers.