
If you’ve noticed the appear­ance of a cou­ple of mp3 links up top, it is because my new host pro­vides me with 3Gb of trans­fers per month. I don’t come any­where near to using this much, so I fig­ured I might as well share some of my band­width.

“Guz­zle Greed” is a live track record­ed at the Bark­ing Spi­der and is an orig­i­nal work by Cleve­lander Mau­ra Rogers, a ris­ing star in the local open mic scene.

“Our Love is Weak” comes to you from the very heart of Man­hat­tan by the ever ver­sa­tile Bård Edlund.

I’ve heard oth­er offer­ings by these two, and they do good stuff. So DL ’em and give ’em a lis­ten. I’ve room for one more. Phil.

6 thoughts on “Promoter”

  1. give me a day or so here. ive got today off, so ill get some­thing all spiffed up, or at least trans­fered into mp3.

  2. Fab­u­lous might be a bit of an over­state­ment. The qual­i­ty wood fires, real dart­board and nice breeze in the sum­mer are coun­ter­act­ed by the fact that a 12oz Guin­ness is $4 and that New­cas­tle [while on tap] is served in flim­sy plas­tic cups, and they only take cash.

    Good music though.

  3. ok, now that ive got my song ready, what do i do with it? its a lot heav­ier, and not at all like the songs taht are up now…just to warn you all!

  4. You can use to send it to me. It is a super sim­ple site that allows you to send attach­ments of up to 100Mb to some­one.

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