Went to the doctor, getting some blood tests, he don’t know what it be that be swelling inside of me. Nexium is about five bucks per pill. Got my new computer, didn’t get system disks or the OS disk sent with it. Instead, some sort of utility partition that takes up 10 gigs of my HD. Gotta see if I can make a restore disk that houses the OS and will let me reformat. Maybe gotta rewire some extra CAT‑5 into a crossover cable tonight to transfer files between old and new. Have two wireless networks within range of my apartment. Still not hungry, but made brownies for department lunch today. Wish tonight was hot barista night at Lucky’s. Wearing a bright green shirt today.
One thought on “More Morsels”
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Hot Barista night? At least I understand what that means, because the beginning of that entry was like reading this, alsdfkjas;ldkjfa;kdsjlaksdjjieopuwoi vnwearkejoiwdjdf nm,c vnaioeiorf hot barista night at lucky’s.
😉 Hope your belly is better.